Rudolph Nail Art for Chrimmas

I hope everyone is enjoying their chrimmas. 🙂  I know I am.

I started off with the famous Peppermint Bark mani (in honor of Nicole, who I miss very much).

Then, at my SFAM’s request, I added a Rudolph accent nail. 🙂

Rudolph1Happy Holidays to all, and to all a good night.



31 Days of Halloween-Day 30: Zombie Nails

Ghoul morning my friends. (Ha!)

Today’s nail art is the last I have to showcase for you during this glorious month of Halloween. Sadness, I know. 😉

Enter Zombie Nails:

For the base, I started with a black creme (China Glaze Liquid Leather). Then, I sponged on a gray creme (Pure Ice Kiss Me Here).

Next, I lightly sponged on a combination of Pure Ice’s Wild Thing (almost a chartreuse green) and Wet ‘n Wild’s Fantasy Makers Night Glow (glow in the dark) to mimic putrescence. Did y’all know that putrescence kind of glows in the dark? There’s a tip from me to you.

At this point, I had some pretty gruesome-looking nails. But I wanted to add something to really make this stand out. So I added some dripping blood using Fright Night’s Claw Polish in Bloodshed. Then, I coated it with Matte Magic to make it look like old, dried blood.

And then, I wound up dinging one of my nails. Instead of being cheesed off, I thought: Holy balls, Batman! It looks like layers of my nail are coming off. I love it! So I dinged up the rest of my nails to look like that.

So there you have it. LoL.


P.S. I think these would be more effective if I had used some Halloween makeup to paint my hands a gruesome blackened gray. But I didn’t have any handy. 😦

31 Days of Halloween- Day 28: Mummified

Each day brings us closer to Halloween. Everyone got their costumes ready to roll?

Today I have for you Mummy Nails!

I wanted Konad plate S06 for this design so I could have perfect lines. But it was not meant to be. I will have it before next Halloween though! LoL

I started with a white base & sponged on a light brown polish (dirty bandages anyone?). Then came the acrylic paints for the wrapping and trappings.

I hope you like them. 😀


31 Days of Halloween- Day 26: Spiders for BCA

So earlier this month I wondered… how am I going to fit in Halloween, Pink Wednesday and Breast Cancer Awareness into my 31 Days of Halloween?

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is that attempt.

I started with a base of Julep Carrie. I did my webs in a charcoal nail art pen and filled in with a little silver glitter striper to give it some sparkle.

With acrylic paints, I made a spider in her web & placed the Breast Cancer Awareness ribbon on her back (instead of the red hourglass shape that a Black Widow would have).

Cute eh?

Onto a more serious subject…

The Susan G. Komen for the Cure website has really good information concerning breast cancer (which can also occur in men) including statistics and support for those who are suffering or know someone who suffers.

There are many different ways to get involved with the fight. Donating doesn’t always have to be monetary (even though that is tax-deductible)! You can donate your time and volunteer at a local Breast Cancer Awareness walk–or you can always participate in the walk and show your support. You can choose to buy products from companies who are donating a portion of the proceeds to research for a cure. Every little bit helps. 🙂

31 Days of Halloween- Day 24: Bewitched

I bet some of y’all were wondering when this design would show up. 😉

That day has come. 😀

So I started with the Fright Night Claw Polish in Poison (from yesterday’s post). Did I mention that I like purples for Halloween? LoL

And I said to myself, “Self? This would be a good base for that witch nail art you’ve been trying to get done.”

Which it really kind of wasn’t. Had I used a lighter base, I wouldn’t have had to outline stuff in white so you could see it. >.<

By the way, all the painting is done with acrylic paints. You have, of course, the hat, the cauldron, Brunhilde & her broom.

Now I’ve been mulling this over in my head since September: do I want a cute witch or a stereotypical Halloween-type witch.

And because I wanted to use one of the half-pearls from the born pretty store as a wart, I went with stereotypical witch. LoL

Maybe next year’s witch will be sexy and cute. 😉
