Franken: Lucy Loves Me + The “Loving Lucy” Blogathon August 6, 2011

Have I ever told y’all just how proud I am of my SFAM (for those of you new to the program SFAM=Sister From Another Mister)?

She runs a classic movie blog, and she’s hosting the “Loving Lucy” Blogathon on August 6, 2011. It would have been the actress’ 100th birthday.

I am preparing some nail art for this celebration (see? Anyone can participate!). I even frankened a color called “Lucy Loves Me” as the base for said nail art:

I didn't have a dark enough blue, so I had to make one. Ah, necessity.

Have I blown y’all’s minds yet? No? Oh. Hmph.

Well stay tuned on August 6, 2011 for the rest of this post. And in the meantime, I highly recommend checking out my SFAM’s site as well as the others who are participating in this blogathon.

P.S. You might have noticed that I set up a FB page for Shades Of Magick. Feel free to “Like” me. I mean, you can like me anyhow, but now I can have a record haha! Um. Imma go now…

NOTD: Zoya Kieko + Nail Art

For those of you keeping track, the teabag nail repair method is AWESOME. That is all.

This color was released as part of the Summertime (2011) collection. I’ve heard it’s a dupe for OPI’s Pamplona Purple. I don’t have that shade, so… yeah…

Can any of y’all tell I took that pic with my smartphone? I am so sad. My camera apparently eats batteries (it feels that way. I imagine it’s because I take 100’s of pictures).  So, I’m currently without my real camera.  I want a DSLR dammit. Or at least some rechargeable batteries. And these batteries are so odd, I have to go to a battery or camera store to get them. WTF.

While I’m sitting here waiting for the Hubs to throw on some damn clothes and take me to the casino, I decided to stamp a design (IKR?! I’m excited too). When I said “a” design, that’s exactly what I mean:

Just one

That’s China Glaze Millenium. Freaking awesome.

I need more stamping plates.

NOTD: China Glaze Ruby Pumps + Nail Art

This is one of my faves.

From the Wizard of Ooh Ahz collection, this pretty is Ruby Pumps.

I realized I had never swatched this by itself. I had used it as a base for my ladybug nail art before, but never gave it the proper spotlight.

Spotlight on…

Sexy, sparkly, glittery goodness. 😀

So, we’re taking my MIL to the casino Wednesday (you don’t say…) for the July birthday drawing. I like doing different nails when visiting the casino to see if I can get reactions out of the people who join me for 8+ hours at the roulette table (yes, I play roulette for 8+ hours most of the time).

Back on track. I decided I needed some sexy nail art. Enter the corset:

It loses something between my sketch and my execution. But as long as you can tell what it is, I’m good. LoL

The “skintone” color is a franken I made from Zoya Flowie and ChG White On White. I added clear polish to jelly it up a bit.

Dunno why the sparkly glitter isn’t showing up on the accent nail. It’s there. And it’s awesome.  😉

Also, if you’ve never noticed before, I have a hard time drawing straight lines. Ha!

NOTD: China Glaze Watermelon Rind

Thankfully, this color is in the core collection. I would be a sad panda without it.

This is from the Summer Days collection (Summer 2009). It’s a delicious glass-flecked jelly. Therefore, it has a bit of VNL (visible nail line). It wasn’t quite so severe in real life.

This is three coats plus topcoat.

NOTD: China Glaze Raspberry Festival

I picked up this gem from Stephanie of Imperfectly Painted fame (thank you!).

I’ve been trying to get my paws on the whole Summer Days collection (Summer 2009) from China Glaze–ever since I first tried Strawberry Fields. All glass-flecked goodness all the time? Yes please.

The only ones that I can’t get easily are Cherry Pie and Orange Marmalade.

On to the Raspberry Festival pretty:

This is three coats with a coat of Seche Vite.

In sadder news, I woke up to a broken nail (thankfully not on my swatching hand). Apparently, I’m an aggressive sleeper–no idea how it happened.

It cracked almost all the way across at the smile line. I repaired it with a teabag and nail glue. I’ve used silk wraps and acrylic powders before, but never a teabag. I think I like it better than the silk wraps because the mesh is really fine. We shall see how it holds up.