NOTD: MAC Obey Me + Independence Day Nail Art

“And I’m proud to be an American…”

Damn you, Lee Greenwood.

Anyhow, my SFAM sent me an early birthday package (and by early, I mean really early). But hey, I don’t mind. I loved being surprised. Her b-day was this past weekend. Did I even mail her present yet? No. I’m still staring at it sitting on my printer. Will I get around to mailing it? I’d like to think so. Ha!

In said birthday package, I received the two polishes from MAC’s Wonder Woman collection, Obey Me (red creme) and Spirit Of Truth (blue creme) as well as some Burt’s Bees cuticle cream. ❤

I decided to slap on Obey Me and wear it as my NOTD.

Then I said to myself, “Self… you’ve been looking for some 4th of July nail art bases. Here you go.”

And thusly, I painted my cheeseball rendition of Old Glory:

I taped off the sections, then painted on ChG White On White. While that was wet, I sprinkled on some white glitter. Then, I painted the blue french tip with MAC Spirit Of Truth. Then, I found a sheet of tiny rhinestones, and they made their way onto the blue tip. No, there’s not 50 stars. There’s only 16. This was an earlier America, k? LOL

Pink Wednesdays: China Glaze Good Witch? + Nail Art

Have I told y’all that I really love the Wizard of Ooh Ahz collection? I know I might have bitched a little about how I couldn’t get Dorothy Who? or Cowardly Lyin’ to become opaque on their own. But that’s really small potatoes in comparison to how much I lurves them. And I should just wear underwear with them. I can do that–no big deal.

This one is the lovely Good Witch? for your enjoyment today (I know it seems like every time I type the “?” you read it with a lilt like you’re asking a question. I know. I’m sorry. ChG did that, not me. And who am I to change their polish names?).

Pink? Check. Sparkly? Check. Fan-freakin’-tastic? CHECK!

I encourage you to click the bigger pic to see more sparkly goodness if you haven’t already. Glittery goodness, yum!

Click the picture to the right to see many more lovely ladies who wear pink on Wednesdays. 🙂


I decided to play around with my stamping again. Not everything can be made of WIN all the time, but I’m trying. LoL.

I should have just cropped the index finger and pinky finger out and only show you my two favorites. Don’t let it blind you too much:

Focus on the two in the middle and everything will be OK...

NOTD: Barielle Elle’s Spell

This is the mani I am sporting for the premier of the 4th season of True Blood.

I’ve read the books (and currently am reading the new one). I sometimes have a hard time divorcing the show from the books because they deviate–a lot. But I really enjoy the show for what it is. And I don’t even has to ask who loves to look at butt-nekkid Eric.  😀

See you after the show!

LGBT Pride Nail Art

I am a firm believer that everyone should be allowed to love who they love and be who they are. A lot of my family and friends are gay, and I would be butt-hurt if they thought they couldn’t be themselves or didn’t deserve to be loved. Then, I’d whoop anyone’s ass that made them feel that way.  😀

So now that my PSA is out of the way, on to the post. LOL

BTW, I totally ganked this idea from Dollface22772’s YouTube video seen here. This chick is seriously talented. Makes me all jealous inside and out. I highly recommend checking out her artwork on her channel!

Here’s my interpretation:

Not quite as good (I used the pointy tip of an orange stick, not a pin), but it’s seriously much better looking IRL. I’m quite proud that I managed to pull it off with relatively few screw-ups.

I used these polishes in the order that they’re photographed (click to get the bigger pic for polish names):

Lastly, I’m not inviting y’all to agree (or disagree, for that matter) with my previously stated opinion. It’s my own opinion, and I’m pretty firm on it.  🙂

Pink Wednesdays: Artform Light Pink Holo

Well… this is the last holo polish that qualifies for Pink Wednesday (that I currently own at least). So enjoy. I know I’m getting days of enjoyment out of it.

Artform is a private label brand from AUS. Run you lovely Aussies. I’m still jeals.

This is just begging for some leopard stamping. LoL.

Oh yes, and if you haven’t gone to vote yet, please head over to Nail Polish Art Addiction and vote in the “Good Enough to Eat” contest. I’m #41, in case you were interested. But I’ve been giggling about the trout nails. I LOVE THEM. I also love many of the other designs out there. And a few of my sister bloggers have awesome entries as well. Go check them out and show the love.