NOTD: China Glaze Glittering Garland

Happy Mardi Gras y’all.

I got this gem from my SFAM for chrimmas, but I didn’t get it until after chrimmas. πŸ˜‰ Β Instead of making you guys wait a year, I thought this would be an appropriate green for Mardi Gras this year. πŸ˜€

Ooh Ahh

Glittering Garland is a delicious green jelly packed with gold & green microglitter… and it looks like it has those China Glaze-famous glass flecks.

This is three coats without a topcoat.

I really really like this green (and I’m not much of a green lover).

Hubs and I are heading to the parades all day. I will try to tweet as many pictures as possible. πŸ˜‰

Be careful out there if you go party. Have a D.D. And that doesn’t mean Designated Decoy. πŸ˜€


Pink Wednesday (on a Thursday!): China Glaze 100 Proof Pink

Sooooo I wore this yesterday when I had to make a long ass drive to Lake City, Florida. What’s in Lake City? Nothing much. Not even a decent rock station on the radio. LoL

BUT! I stopped in Tallahassee on the way back to grope and molest some Malabrigo yarn at a Local Yarn Shop (LYS) called Wooly Bully. For those of you not in the know… do not ever get addicted to this yarn. You will be broke as a joke. It may be too late for me. Only finances will tell. I will show you guys some pics of the lovely colorways I picked up too (I’m excited…sorry)!

However, back to the main topic: China Glaze 100 Proof Pink

Sorry... the sun has been playing peek-a-boo all day.

100 Proof Pink is another gift from Secret Santadom (I was spoiled. I know. I still have polishes to show you too). It’s a Barbie pink jelly with silver shimmery goodness.

This is three coats and a coat of SV. *squish squish*

I’m annoyed. Here I sit inside working up this blog post and it’s sunny. Hmph.


Oh oh oh! And here’s my yarn:

I had to tinker with the color correction for "Cumparsita." The colors themselves are pretty accurate, but the pic does not show how shiny and deep and lush it really is. If I had dyed this, I would have called it "Black Cherry." πŸ˜‰

NOTD: Orly Fowl Play

Good goddess, I am lazy.

I figured I’d get off my butt and show y’all this polish before the seasons changed. The winter solstice is coming up soon. Y’all got your holly (yule) logs ready to burn?

Unfortunately, it’s not just lazy that’s been holding me down. It’s being mopey too. I gotta get over that, otherwise the house will come crashing down around my ears. The hubs will be gone for at least three weeks, and this is barely day 3. Le sigh.

Anyhow, I’ve been meaning to show you this for months now. October was busy (of course), but I’ve worn it since then. Finally, I wore it again for Thanksgiving at my brother’s house (where I knew it would go unappreciated. But they can’t help that).

Fowl Play is from the Birds of a Feather collection released for Fall 2011. It’s a purple jelly base packed full of vibrant flakies (FLAKIES!).

I usually layer this polish over a purple base (such as Purple Nurple), but I decided to wear & show it to you on it’s own. This is three coats with a coat of Seche.

I must apologize for the condition of my hands and nails. They are quite dry during the winter. Usually no amount of moisturizing gets them to behave. :\


Pink Wednesdays: BB Couture Scorching Strawberry

Good morning everyone!

I am super excited about this polish. You might recall that I won it in a giveaway hosted by Nicole at Nightly Nails. And it’s also the first BB Couture polish that I’ve ever owned (shameful, I KNOW).

When I saw it on her nails, I knew that I had to have it. Luck just happened to be on my side when she did the drawing. πŸ˜€

Without further ado, Scorching Strawberry:

The bottle color is more accurate.

This polish is a blue-toned pink jelly, which works well with my skin tone.

In the bottle, there is fine silver shimmer. It doesn’t really show up on the nails, though.

This is three coats and a coat of SV.

I wore this polish around for about three days. Then, when I got bored, I did a glitter gradient with Sinful Colors Frenzy and wore it for another few days. πŸ˜€

BB Couture polishes can be picked up from Overall Beauty. I highly recommend them. Kim (owner) is a complete sweetheart. πŸ™‚


31 Days of Halloween- Day 17: Hard Candy Wicked

Good morning. πŸ˜€

We’re a little over half-way through with 31 Days of Halloween. Sadness, I know.

Today, I have for you a polish which (I believe…) came out last year around Halloween: Hard Candy’s Wicked.

Wicked is a black jelly base jammed full of silver glitter.

It certainly reminds me of a night sky when there’s no moon out. Millions and millions of stars. πŸ˜€

This is three coats with a coat of Seche Vite.
