Swatched: Finger Paints Special Effects Flakies!

I know I’m so behind with this, but I’ve actually had these for a little bit. I swatched them over a black creme so you could see the unadulterated awesome. 🙂

First, the not-so-impressive bottle shots:

You know there's magic in here, but you can't tell the full extent... yet.

And then the finger swatches (in alphabetical order from thumb to pinkie):

Thumb- Asylum, Index- Flashy, Middle- Flecked, Ring- Motley, Pinkie- Twisted

Flashy (index) is your Sally Hansen Hidden Treasure and Nubar 2010 Dupe, so it’s nothing you haven’t seen before. The others however… are HAWT.

Thumb- Asylum, Index- Flashy, Middle- Flecked, Ring- Motley, Pinkie- Twisted

I have two that swap between first and second place in my favorites (Twisted is currently winning with Asylum coming in a close second) and two that are vying for third and fourth (Motley and Flecked).

Gratuitous, slightly blurry pic. LoL

Which are your favorites? 😀


P.S. For those of you who might not have caught up with my announcement on Twitter, the hubs and I decided that our home is in Mobile, AL. That’s where we’re heading. We’ve missed the area terribly. And I’ve missed him dearly, but we’ll be seeing each other again this weekend! 😀

And Carnival season is upon us. I will definitely be glad to be back in Mobile for that!

Pink Wednesdays: Finger Paints Easel-y Satisfied

It’s been two weeks (that I can remember) where I haven’t done a Pink Wednesday post. The shame! I will fix that today.

I am running out of pink polish and inspiration. I’ve been jealous lately about other bloggers’ layering combinations. I need more flakie polishes in my life so I can be like them when I grow up. LoL

So I did what I could and layered Easel-y Satisfied with a holo topcoat from Savvy. Mostly because the pink by itself bored me.

After I did this, I figured that I would like this better if I had done a gradient or something. I have all these wonderful ideas swirling in my head, and it’s a 50/50 chance that I can get it to come out.

And here is Easel-y Satisfied by itself:

It’s pink with pink shimmer. And it really reminds me of ChG 108 Degrees.

Pink Wednesdays: Finger Paints Pink Imagination

I wake up singing the weirdest stuff. This morning it was “Music of the Night” from Phantom of the Opera. I don’t know why… it just happens.

Anyhow, I picked up this pretty thing on sale at Sally’s this past week (plus I had a 15% off coupon). This is Finger Paints Pink Imagination layered over white (because it’s pretty sheer).

It’s a baby pink with (what looks to be) pink microglitter.

I lurves it, but it seems to be begging for some stamping. Maybe one day, I will learn how to do that. 😀


NOTD: Finger Paints Shades of Dark

Well after my nude nails from my last post, I decided to grab one of my vampiest (is that even a word?) shades.

Outside, indirect light

This polish always looks black, but it’s really a dark purple. I knew if I could barely tell it was purple, a camera would never be able to pick it up either. But you can kind of see it in the bottle. Maybe.

Indoors, OttLite

I’ve only worn this twice (including now), but I used it for my very first practice water marble. Observe:

There’s a turqoise, a pink and this dark purple. Can I duplicate this pattern? No. I have tried.