Pink Wednesday (on a Thursday!): China Glaze 100 Proof Pink

Sooooo I wore this yesterday when I had to make a long ass drive to Lake City, Florida. What’s in Lake City? Nothing much. Not even a decent rock station on the radio. LoL

BUT! I stopped in Tallahassee on the way back to grope and molest some Malabrigo yarn at a Local Yarn Shop (LYS) called Wooly Bully. For those of you not in the know… do not ever get addicted to this yarn. You will be broke as a joke. It may be too late for me. Only finances will tell. I will show you guys some pics of the lovely colorways I picked up too (I’m excited…sorry)!

However, back to the main topic: China Glaze 100 Proof Pink

Sorry... the sun has been playing peek-a-boo all day.

100 Proof Pink is another gift from Secret Santadom (I was spoiled. I know. I still have polishes to show you too). It’s a Barbie pink jelly with silver shimmery goodness.

This is three coats and a coat of SV. *squish squish*

I’m annoyed. Here I sit inside working up this blog post and it’s sunny. Hmph.


Oh oh oh! And here’s my yarn:

I had to tinker with the color correction for "Cumparsita." The colors themselves are pretty accurate, but the pic does not show how shiny and deep and lush it really is. If I had dyed this, I would have called it "Black Cherry." 😉

Swatched: Finger Paints Special Effects Flakies!

I know I’m so behind with this, but I’ve actually had these for a little bit. I swatched them over a black creme so you could see the unadulterated awesome. 🙂

First, the not-so-impressive bottle shots:

You know there's magic in here, but you can't tell the full extent... yet.

And then the finger swatches (in alphabetical order from thumb to pinkie):

Thumb- Asylum, Index- Flashy, Middle- Flecked, Ring- Motley, Pinkie- Twisted

Flashy (index) is your Sally Hansen Hidden Treasure and Nubar 2010 Dupe, so it’s nothing you haven’t seen before. The others however… are HAWT.

Thumb- Asylum, Index- Flashy, Middle- Flecked, Ring- Motley, Pinkie- Twisted

I have two that swap between first and second place in my favorites (Twisted is currently winning with Asylum coming in a close second) and two that are vying for third and fourth (Motley and Flecked).

Gratuitous, slightly blurry pic. LoL

Which are your favorites? 😀


P.S. For those of you who might not have caught up with my announcement on Twitter, the hubs and I decided that our home is in Mobile, AL. That’s where we’re heading. We’ve missed the area terribly. And I’ve missed him dearly, but we’ll be seeing each other again this weekend! 😀

And Carnival season is upon us. I will definitely be glad to be back in Mobile for that!

NOTD: China Glaze Let’s Do It In 3-D


Today I wanted to share with you one of the polishes I received from Secret Santadom: China Glaze Let’s Do It In 3-D.

I will admit, when I first saw the bottle, I was not impressed. There were NO rainbows. None. Sunlight, OttLite, indoors or out, I could not see overwhelming holo goodness from this bottle.

Then, I tried it on.

And SPLADOW! There it was.

“Oh you don’t think I’m shiny enough??! How ’bout I blind you right in your left eyeball??! BLAM!”

LoL, anyhow… this is 4 coats. I did 3 originally and topped it with Essie Good to Go!, but it seemed not quite as holo to me, so I put another coat of Let’s Do It In 3-D. And I likes it.

I hope everyone had a safe New Year’s. Enjoy!