31 Days of Halloween-Day 11: OPI Vampire State Building

This is not necessarily a Halloween polish–I just included it because of the name. However, it *was* released for the New York City Fall/Winter collection in 2000. 😉

It’s not that easy to come by anymore. In fact, I remember picking it out of a discontinued bin at my local beauty supply shop back in the early 2000’s. It even survived the Great Polish Purge a few years back (mostly because I loved the name, and it’s a really a great vampy). Without further ado…

Ahhh… the color of fresh blood. That’s what this reminds me of. LoL

Still trying to tweak the new watermark on an older photo lol

Vampire State Building is a rich, blood-red jelly that’s chock-full of chemicals… so it goes on almost perfectly. 😉

This is three coats with a coat of Seche Vite.

Honestly? For me, this polish holds more sentimental value than anything. And it’s pretty badass, IMHO.


P.S. Don’t forget to enter my Halloween haiku giveaway!


NOTD: OPI DS original

The last time I wore this, I did this polish zero justice. Shameful it was (Yoda!).

Anyhow, since it was all bright and sunny outside, I decided to whip it out again and fix the error of my ways! 😀

Ooooh… Ahhhh…

DS original is a light purple holo. And I loves it. And I wants to hug it and squeeze it and pet it… well, you get the picture.

I applied this in a sandwich method: base, two coats of DS original, layer of top coat, then another coat of DS original.

I really don’t find that top coat dulls the holo effect. Once it dries, it’s still just as blingtastic as always. I just wanted to try a new way of applying holo polish that I had heard so much about.

Enjoy the eye candy!

P.S. The hubs and I are in the middle of planning a move to Panama City next weekend. While we are sad to leave Mobile, we are hoping that this will open up a new and more exciting chapter in our lives. So I apologize in advance if posts get even more sketchier than they have been recently. 😉

I also wanted to say hi to my new Twitter and FB followers. All of my followers mean so much to me. *hugs*

Pink Wednesdays: OPI Shootout at the O.K. Coral

Coral schmoral–this polish is pink to me.

And to add awesome to even more awesome, there’s a hot pink (maybe purple?) hidden shimmer.

This used to be my go-to pedicure color for years. I purposefully sought it out whenever I went into my favorite nail salon. I finally decided to pick it up for myself while dusty diving in ATL with my SFAM.

Polishes like this really make me want Konad and Konad accessories (sorry, watching King of the Hill on Adult Swim) so I can stamp the snot out of them. Sad face that I don’t have any.

To check out the other fine ladies’ pink manicures for Pink Wednesday, click the picture in the sidebar!

NOTD: OPI My Private Jet (un-awesome version)

This is OPI My Private Jet. The version I have is the one that appears as a more brown base without the obvious holographic goodness that was in the original version. It’s chock full of silver holo glitter, though. Unfortunately, it doesn’t do much for the overall finish of this polish (read: it’s unnecessary) .

Here’s another view in full sun:

Blast from the Past: OPI DS divine

This is OPI–DS divine (DS stands for Designer Series). It’s a pink holo. I apologize for the blurry picture. If I remember correctly, I was chasing the last rays of sunlight so I could get the holo to show up.

I took another picture the next day. I love this cute little kitteh skull & crossbones. And I think this shows just how awesome this polish is.