31 Days of Halloween- Day 17: Hard Candy Wicked

Good morning. 😀

We’re a little over half-way through with 31 Days of Halloween. Sadness, I know.

Today, I have for you a polish which (I believe…) came out last year around Halloween: Hard Candy’s Wicked.

Wicked is a black jelly base jammed full of silver glitter.

It certainly reminds me of a night sky when there’s no moon out. Millions and millions of stars. 😀

This is three coats with a coat of Seche Vite.


Swatched: Hard Candy Splendid

Long time no see, yeah?

So I’ve had this color for a while now. I usually only buy yellows for nail art because (1) they never apply correctly and (2) they never look good on me.

In this case, the color might not look good on me, but it applies like a dream–which I cannot say for most yellows out there.

This was three easy coats. It’s pretty opaque and not really streaky–at all.

The real reason I’m showing you this now is because I’ll be using it a lot in my upcoming 31 Days of Halloween segment. And I figured it was about time I showed you guys what it really looks like right out of the bottle.

I’ve previously used this color in other nail art applications: Rubber Ducky, LGBT Pride & Mardi Gras.

I’m really sorry about the lack of posts. I’m hoping that what I have planned for the whole month of October will more than make up for the ghost town this place has been lately. 😀

Oh yeah, I’ve also been featured on “Best of the Web: Style Blogs of the Week” from Become.com. Feel free to check out the giant orange headshot. 😉

NOTD: Hard Candy Beetle

Today I have for you an awesome big box store find. I was traipsing around the local Wally World earlier this week when I saw two bottles of polish that I have been actively looking for: Hard Candy Beetle. Well, I was looking for one–the second one is just gravy.

I had already run out of my polish allowance money for March (horror!). So, I stashed one behind some face primer and left the other sitting toward the back of the display.

Friday, we had a yard sale and I made a few bucks. So, I went back later that day and picked them both up (apparently, my stashing was not necessary).

If you’re saying this looks familiar, you’d be correct. I know it’s at least a dupe for Orly Space Cadet. There may be another polish out there that it’s a dupe to. The plus side?–it was 5 bucks.

Beetle has a iridescent green base with orange glitter that also flashes red and gold. Therefore, this bad boy has a duochrome (multichrome?) effect. With all of the glitter, it gives this polish a foil/metallic finish too. Bonus.

It applies fairly streaky, with some cuticle pull. I avoided the worst of it by making sure that the previous coat was completely dry before applying the next one.

This is three coats over a ridge-filling basecoat with a coat of Seche Vite.

I could also spend all day trying to capture this polish in a picture, and I would still not be successful.