China Glaze Rare & Radiant

So hey. How’s it?

I haven’t been around much. Got a lot on my mind. I’m sure y’all understand.

Not really much into talking. I’ll leave you with pictures instead.




Sally Hansen Marine Scene

Tonight’s post is really random.

While I was sitting here freezing, I said to myself: “Self–why don’t you paint your nails blue to match the temperature of your fingers?”

So I went digging through my blue/purple drawer to find something I hadn’t shown before. I was looking for my OPI Ink, but came across this one instead.



I’ve had this one stuffed in my stash for over a year. I bought it at Big Lots for a buck.

It’s got a little duochrome flash–green and blue. Not too terribly noticeable. Still cute though.



It’s very thin. This is four coats plus topcoat.


P.S. For those of you who heard about the tornadoes roaring through Mobile, David and I are fine. The majority of the damage was in our neighborhood, though. Light a candle for those who lost their homes.

China Glaze Blue Bells Ring

When I had to go out of town this past week, I stopped by my old favorite Sally store in Panama City and picked up this lovely. This was the only color that I wanted out of this collection, based on other swatches I had seen.



Blue Bells Ring is the prettiest blue foil I have ever seen.

BlueBellsRing2.1It’s also a one-coat wonder if you’re pretty careful about application. I did two coats here because I wasn’t careful. XD



I also picked up Glitter All The Way, but I’m saving it for Mardi Gras.



NOTD: Wet ‘n Wild Cost Is No Issue

Hello again.

I have been busy mulling over what I’m going to wear to my brother-in-law’s wedding this weekend–on my fingertips, that is.

I have swatched this and that. I still can’t decide. But, I figured I’d show you one of the Wet ‘n Wild color icon polishes from this past winter while I have it on my nails. 🙂

The pictures might be a bit blurry–the polish is quite reflective and caused the camera to flip out a bit.

I might wind up wearing this to the wedding after all–glitter is such a pain to remove. Even with the foil method.


Blast from the Past: Essie Turquoise & Caicos

I decided that I’d start posting some of the polishes I wore a while back… but never got around to showing. 🙂

Today’s exhibit is Essie’s Turquoise & Caicos. You can tell how old this pic is by the watermark. LoL.

Anyhow, I figured since it’s such a lovely day outside, I’d show this spring-delicious polish.
