Pink Wednesdays: Artform Light Pink Holo

Well… this is the last holo polish that qualifies for Pink Wednesday (that I currently own at least). So enjoy. I know I’m getting days of enjoyment out of it.

Artform is a private label brand from AUS. Run you lovely Aussies. I’m still jeals.

This is just begging for some leopard stamping. LoL.

Oh yes, and if you haven’t gone to vote yet, please head over to Nail Polish Art Addiction and vote in the “Good Enough to Eat” contest. I’m #41, in case you were interested. But I’ve been giggling about the trout nails. I LOVE THEM. I also love many of the other designs out there. And a few of my sister bloggers have awesome entries as well. Go check them out and show the love.

Pink Wednesdays: Artform Dark Pink Holo

So I apologize for not being around much. I have a new addiction: The Sims 3. Granted, I’ve had the game since Chrimmas, but I didn’t want to install it until I had a new computer. I have a new computer now… so… yeah…

Anywho, until I’ve worked them out of my system (ha!), it might be a little bare here every now and again. I can’t help it. It’s fun playing goddess.  😉

Lastly, I am also working on a huge blog post which I will get into later (probably the day I post it). So that’s been keeping me busy behind the scenes too.

Hang with me and we’ll get through it. LoL

On to the polish:

This is another of the 8 holo polishes I won from More Nail Polish‘s first blogiversary giveaway. These are the Artform polishes that are from AUS. I’m so in love I can’t even get over it.

I Won Another Contest + NOTD + Fishing Trip

This was going to be my post from Monday, May 15. But since we all know my comp died, it’s now today’s post. I had to repaint my nails with this awesome polish (I wasn’t hurt about that!).

I got my package in from More Nail Polish. I won her First Blogiversary holographic polish giveaway. Do any of you know how excited I was to win this?? I was even more excited when the package finally arrived from Australia. These are Artform polishes & they don’t ship outside of AUS. Apparently, they’re a private label distributor. So if you’re in Australia, I suggest run (don’t walk) and get these polishes. Dying of jealousy you lovely Aussies!

This is the red holo that I wore my fishing trip with the hubs. Why paint my nails for a fishing trip? Because I could. And I knew the sun would be out and shining like mad. Also, holo polish would be a nice distraction while waiting for those Kings or Redfish to bite.

Another gratuitous pic… because there’s never enough holo in the world:

Isn’t that freaking awesome??!

When we got to the Gulf State Park Pier in Gulf Shores, the sun was on it’s way down. I took this picture when we got there:

This is a pic I managed to sneak of the hubs setting up our spot (yes, he’s tall. 6′ 6″):

We stayed all night. If you follow me on Twitter, you know that I was freezing my ass off. And writing fishing haiku in order to pass the time. I really should have taken a pic of us after dark–there are special “No-Turtle” lights that glow orange and they make everyone and everything show up in black and white. We all looked like zombie fishermen. Ever seen a holo polish in black and white? It’s weird.

But alas, soon the freezing was to be over! The sky began to lighten with the prettiest shades of pink and yellow:

And right about the time we were getting ready to leave, the hubs catches this:

Sharp Nose Shark

We couldn’t keep it though… they frown on that at Gulf State Park Pier.

All in all, I hurt in places that I haven’t hurt in years. I’m getting too old for all night fishing trips.