NOTD: China Glaze CG In The City

Hi there. 🙂

Today I have for you one of the polishes from the Metro Collection released for Fall of this year.

I know in this shot, it looks like a purple glitter. However, it’s actually black, silver and copper (gold?) microglitter in a clear base.

This polish is best for layering. This is four coats, and it’s still pretty sheer.

It will eventually build into opaqueness… if you have more patience than I do.

And I always recommend using the tinfoil method to remove glitters. Otherwise, you’ll be sitting there all day trying to get the fine glitter off every inch of your fingers.


Swatched: Hard Candy Splendid

Long time no see, yeah?

So I’ve had this color for a while now. I usually only buy yellows for nail art because (1) they never apply correctly and (2) they never look good on me.

In this case, the color might not look good on me, but it applies like a dream–which I cannot say for most yellows out there.

This was three easy coats. It’s pretty opaque and not really streaky–at all.

The real reason I’m showing you this now is because I’ll be using it a lot in my upcoming 31 Days of Halloween segment. And I figured it was about time I showed you guys what it really looks like right out of the bottle.

I’ve previously used this color in other nail art applications: Rubber Ducky, LGBT Pride & Mardi Gras.

I’m really sorry about the lack of posts. I’m hoping that what I have planned for the whole month of October will more than make up for the ghost town this place has been lately. 😀

Oh yeah, I’ve also been featured on “Best of the Web: Style Blogs of the Week” from Feel free to check out the giant orange headshot. 😉

NOTD: Julep Toni

The best-laid plans…

I should stop making plans to be a better blogger until I get my schedules fixed. I just set myself up for frustration and resentment.

So without further ado, here is the polish that came in my September Julep Maven “Classic With a Twist” box:

Toni is that world-famous smokey-purplish taupe color (creme finish) that was really popular last year.

I really like the way it looks with my skin tone. This is a color that a lot of people can wear.

This is three coats with a coat of Essie Good to Go! topcoat.

In the September Maven box, I also got their cuticle oil (it has a neat roller-ball applicator) which smells like Fruity Pebbles, their SPF 30 hand cream and a glass nail file (which I’m grateful for–I recently broke my glass file while staying at the casino on the last trip). A few others I know received a lint roller in their boxes, but I didn’t get one. It’s cool. I don’t need a lint roller. It’s a futile effort to get cat hair off my clothes anyhow.

Nail Art: Roll Tide Roll

Hello everyone!

I’m really sorry about my longer-than-planned hiatus. As you know, the hubs and I just moved to Florida, and it’s been more of a challenge than we originally thought (from the water heater breaking to the kitchen sink leaking…well, you get the idea). But I plan to be back into the swing of things starting today!

As you may or may not know, I am a huge college football fan. I can deal with the NFL, but only for the Saints, and only if I’m in the mood. I’m always in the mood for college football, though. My absolute favorite team is the University of Alabama Crimson Tide.

And today (since it’s the first game of the season, and we whooped butt), I decided to share with you my rendition of the houndstooth pattern made famous by Coach Paul “Bear” Bryant that’s synonymous with the Alabama Crimson Tide:

Don't ever let anyone tell you that this is not hard to draw by hand

I know there’s a Konad plate with this exact pattern on it. Unfortunately for me, I don’t have it (but I will get you one day, my pretty!). So this is all hand-drawn with a black nail art striper over China Glaze’s White On White. I didn’t make the picture that big, so you can’t see all of my screw ups. 😀

Now where I’m from, you’re either for Alabama or Auburn. If you’re for any team other than those two, you kind of get an “Aww, aren’t you cute?” and a pat on the head. And we immediately dismiss your credibility for the entire season.

And come football season, it’s hard to be friends with people who are for the opposite team. My SFAM, for example, is for Auburn. I don’t blame her… it’s what she grew up with. Just like Alabama is what I grew up with. I let her have her gloaty moments, and she allows me mine. We’ve come to an understanding. 😀

However, don’t even get me started on the Iron Bowl (Alabama vs. Auburn). Bragging rights for the entire year. A team can lose every game the whole season, but if they win this one, it makes everything all better. Crazy eh? And folks are *aggressive* about their teams.

It’s hard to explain if you didn’t grow up in it. It’s just the way of life around these parts. 😉

Enjoy! And ROLL TIDE!