Revlon Facets of Fuchsia + PVA Glue Wear Test

So I wanted to see how PVA glue held up to my normal wear and tear of everyday life.

“Before” shot

Once again, I picked a glitter that I had been lusting after for a while, but never got around to wearing.

It’s been four long days since these pics were taken. I decided that three is really my limit for when I get bored of a color and four is pushing the bounds of my sanity.

“After” shot

These nails made it through a few showers, some dish washing, innumerable hand washings and all the other stuff you typically go through in your day-to-day lives.

So, this is what they look like. Just normal tip wear for me.

And they still peeled right off with a little coaxing from my rubber-ended cuticle pusher.

Revolutionary. To me, at least. 🙂


P.S. I am heading to Miami tomorrow. My mother has been sick for a few months, and they’re transferring her to a facility there so she can get better care. Light a candle for us, if you’re so inclined. Thank you.


NOTD: Revlon Perplex

..::sings::. “I am the champion… my friends…”

Well my peeps, I found it. After scouring two Big Lots stores, I finally found Revlon Perplex. Three of them to be exact. Of course, I snapped them up. I may decide to have a giveaway one day, you never know.

This is a delicious gray with a delightful purple shimmer. And I loves it. I really really loves it. It looks so good with my pale skin tone. This is two coats and a coat of Seche Vite.

NOTD: Revlon Not So Blueberry

I was wandering through Rite Aid this week looking for Revlon Perplex, in the hopes that someone had missed snapping up a bottle & I could finally get my grubby claws on it. Alas, no. It was not to be. What I did find was a display of Revlon scented nail polish. This one is #370- Not So Blueberry. And holy crap, once it dries, it smells like chemically enhanced blueberries. I am sitting here sniffing my nails as we speak.

Anyhow, this is a bluish purple foil-like polish (let me reiterate, it smells like blueberries!!). It looks like a duochrome in certain lights, but I’m not 100% sure. It goes on really smoothly in two coats. I quite like it, but it seems to be screaming for some nail art.

P.S. Don’t tell the hubs, but I’m supposed to be on a no-buy. He told me a month, but I’m going to assume he means just until the beginning of February. I have a Zoya nail polish order ready and waiting to go out.  😉