31 Days of Halloween- Day 19: Glow in the Dark Comparisons

Hey HEY hey.

I thought, since there are quite a few glow in the dark polishes out there, that yours truly should buy a few and see how they stacked up against each other. I really like glow in the dark polishes–it’s the little something extra that people don’t expect usually.

First item up is Fantasy Makers Night Glow. You know–the one with the tombstone bottle…

Fantasy Makers Night Glow. Index & Middle: 3 coats over basecoat. Ring & Pinky: 3 coats over white.

I thought I’d show this to you two different ways: they’re both three coats, but the Ring & Pinky fingers are layered over white. And it makes them shine like crazy. But they’re still pretty good over a regular basecoat…should you ever catch yourself at a rave (do they even have those anymore??!) and need to stand out without a glow stick. I bought this particular Night Glow last year at Spirit Halloween. My only complaint? The goo that actually glows separates, and I have to shake it like a polaroid picture right before I use it. (Inadvertent earworm again… my bad). It might be because it’s from last year… I dunno.

Next in my quest for the most awesome glow in the dark is the cute lil $0.99 Sally Girl polish… which never have names. They were in a display all by their lonesomes. And I can’t remember what the display was called LoL. OMG I am terrible, I know. One of these days, I might actually pull myself together and take display pictures. You never know.

Sally Girl Glow in the Dark. Index & Middle: 3 coats over basecoat. Ring & Pinky: 3 coats over white.

To my nekkid eyeball, this doesn’t glow as much as the Fantasy Makers Night Glow. But for $0.99, you can’t beat it with a stick.

And the final candidate for consideration is China Glaze’s Ghoulish Glow. This is the polish that I’ve been hoping I could get my pudgy fingers on. Let’s see how it does.

China Glaze Ghoulish Glow. Index & Middle: 3 coats over basecoat. Ring & Pinky: 3 coats over white.

To me, this isn’t as glowy as the Fantasy Makers or even the Sally Girl when looking at it in real life. In fact, I can barely see the glow on the nekkid fingernails (but it glows fairly well over the white). I do give it props for ease of use. I also give it props for photographing like it will glow forever & outshine all the others. LoL.

BTW, none of these polishes have a topcoat on them.


31 Days of Halloween- Day 10: I Always Feel Like Somebody’s Watching Me…

You’re welcome for the earworm.

Today’s post is one of the more simple designs I’m featuring for 31 Days of Halloween. Anyone can do this. And this design can be ramped up for a more complex look too–I will give you ideas for that in a little bit.

Three coats, no top coat. Shiny all by its lonesome.

I started with a base of China Glaze Liquid Leather (which I’m showing you here because I’ve never shown this one before by itself), but any black creme polish will work.

Then, with acrylic paint, I made the disembodied eyeballs. I went over the pupils with black acrylic paint.

OMG it is hard capturing a glow in the dark polish with conventional means.

To add oomph, I added some glow-in-the-dark polish (Fantasy Makers Night Glow) on said eyeballs. My fingernails kept staring at me when I was trying to go to sleep. LoL

To make this design more complex (if you’re feeling adventurous), you can paint actual scenery such as a creepy swamp or forest & have these eyeballs staring back (ala every episode of Scooby-Doo). You can do other types of eyes, such as different animals. Or make them any color. The imagination is the limit. 🙂


P.S. Don’t forget to enter my Halloween haiku giveaway!