Swatched: Finger Paints Special Effects Flakies!

I know I’m so behind with this, but I’ve actually had these for a little bit. I swatched them over a black creme so you could see the unadulterated awesome. 🙂

First, the not-so-impressive bottle shots:

You know there's magic in here, but you can't tell the full extent... yet.

And then the finger swatches (in alphabetical order from thumb to pinkie):

Thumb- Asylum, Index- Flashy, Middle- Flecked, Ring- Motley, Pinkie- Twisted

Flashy (index) is your Sally Hansen Hidden Treasure and Nubar 2010 Dupe, so it’s nothing you haven’t seen before. The others however… are HAWT.

Thumb- Asylum, Index- Flashy, Middle- Flecked, Ring- Motley, Pinkie- Twisted

I have two that swap between first and second place in my favorites (Twisted is currently winning with Asylum coming in a close second) and two that are vying for third and fourth (Motley and Flecked).

Gratuitous, slightly blurry pic. LoL

Which are your favorites? 😀


P.S. For those of you who might not have caught up with my announcement on Twitter, the hubs and I decided that our home is in Mobile, AL. That’s where we’re heading. We’ve missed the area terribly. And I’ve missed him dearly, but we’ll be seeing each other again this weekend! 😀

And Carnival season is upon us. I will definitely be glad to be back in Mobile for that!

NOTD: Orly Fowl Play

Good goddess, I am lazy.

I figured I’d get off my butt and show y’all this polish before the seasons changed. The winter solstice is coming up soon. Y’all got your holly (yule) logs ready to burn?

Unfortunately, it’s not just lazy that’s been holding me down. It’s being mopey too. I gotta get over that, otherwise the house will come crashing down around my ears. The hubs will be gone for at least three weeks, and this is barely day 3. Le sigh.

Anyhow, I’ve been meaning to show you this for months now. October was busy (of course), but I’ve worn it since then. Finally, I wore it again for Thanksgiving at my brother’s house (where I knew it would go unappreciated. But they can’t help that).

Fowl Play is from the Birds of a Feather collection released for Fall 2011. It’s a purple jelly base packed full of vibrant flakies (FLAKIES!).

I usually layer this polish over a purple base (such as Purple Nurple), but I decided to wear & show it to you on it’s own. This is three coats with a coat of Seche.

I must apologize for the condition of my hands and nails. They are quite dry during the winter. Usually no amount of moisturizing gets them to behave. :\


NOTD: Barielle Elle’s Spell

This is the mani I am sporting for the premier of the 4th season of True Blood.

I’ve read the books (and currently am reading the new one). I sometimes have a hard time divorcing the show from the books because they deviate–a lot. But I really enjoy the show for what it is. And I don’t even has to ask who loves to look at butt-nekkid Eric.  😀

See you after the show!

NOTD: Sinful Colors Irish Green + Green Ocean + St. Patty’s Nail Art

Too much? Haha! Never! Well, maybe.

Hubby and I are both Irish (for reals. I had his wedding ring engraved with “Mo gràidh–M’fhear céile”).

I want to go to McGuire’s Irish Pub in Pensacola for dinner tonight. Hubby asked if I’m high. Apparently. That place is crowded like mad during a regular week–I shudder to think of how packed out it’s going to be (it’s quite the tourist trap). Maybe I’ll just sit home and drink beer and eat my corned beef & cabbage like the gods intended. Or go grab some Thai. Mmmm Tom Ka.

Anyhow (LoL), here’s my St. Patty’s Day mani. It’s Sinful Colors Irish Green with Sinful Colors Green Ocean (ohhh flakies).

And, of course, that delightful shamrock on my accent nail. It was going to be a four-leaf clover, but I could only find three green heart rhinestones in my package (devastating, I know >.<) .

I don’t mind that it’s pretty sheer and there’s tons of VNL (visible nail line). My free edge is behaving today, so I’m good.

And for reference, this is Irish Green by itself. Three coats of it. It’s never going to be opaque, just so’s you know. When I layered it over white earlier today, my eyes started watering at the brightness. So I decided to just let it be the transparent green jelly it was destined to be.

It’s the color of electrified Leprechaun snot. And Green Ocean is the consistency of Leprechaun snot. The perfect combo. Ha!