NOTD: China Glaze Glittering Garland

Happy Mardi Gras y’all.

I got this gem from my SFAM for chrimmas, but I didn’t get it until after chrimmas. πŸ˜‰ Β Instead of making you guys wait a year, I thought this would be an appropriate green for Mardi Gras this year. πŸ˜€

Ooh Ahh

Glittering Garland is a delicious green jelly packed with gold & green microglitter… and it looks like it has those China Glaze-famous glass flecks.

This is three coats without a topcoat.

I really really like this green (and I’m not much of a green lover).

Hubs and I are heading to the parades all day. I will try to tweet as many pictures as possible. πŸ˜‰

Be careful out there if you go party. Have a D.D. And that doesn’t mean Designated Decoy. πŸ˜€


Swatched: Julep Maya + Taylor

Hi everybody. πŸ™‚

The hubs and I are back in Mobile, so I’ve been pretty lax lately about posting. I even had my one-year blogiversary this past week and completely forgot about it. >.<

I’m really really excited that Mardi Gras is in the air. Dauphin Island already had their parades this past weekend & Mobile’s parades start tonight with the Conde Cavaliers. I haven’t decided if we’re going to all of the parades like we did last year. It’s a lot of beads and drinking. It wore me out. LoL

On to the swatches of the polishes that came in my January box:

Maya is a frosty peach color. This is my third attempt to make it look good.

Not even going to lie… I don’t like this one. Frosty brushstroke central. And the shade isn’t flattering on me at all. I’m having a hard time picturing what skin tone this would look good on. The frost just kills it.

I could barely keep it on long enough to take the pictures.

Usually, I do one swatch per post, but I felt like that would be cheating y’all out of a decent polish. So I put on the other January-box polish:

Taylor is a blurple (blue-purple) with a creme finish. It shows up purple in the bottle and is more blue than purple on the nail. It was a nice break from the frosty nightmare. πŸ˜‰

This applied fairly well. This is three coats and a coat of Seche.

When I was looking at it in the bottle, I thought it might make an OK base for Mardi Gras nail art, but it’s just too blue to get away with. Ah well.
