Revlon Facets of Fuchsia + PVA Glue Wear Test

So I wanted to see how PVA glue held up to my normal wear and tear of everyday life.

“Before” shot

Once again, I picked a glitter that I had been lusting after for a while, but never got around to wearing.

It’s been four long days since these pics were taken. I decided that three is really my limit for when I get bored of a color and four is pushing the bounds of my sanity.

“After” shot

These nails made it through a few showers, some dish washing, innumerable hand washings and all the other stuff you typically go through in your day-to-day lives.

So, this is what they look like. Just normal tip wear for me.

And they still peeled right off with a little coaxing from my rubber-ended cuticle pusher.

Revolutionary. To me, at least. 🙂


P.S. I am heading to Miami tomorrow. My mother has been sick for a few months, and they’re transferring her to a facility there so she can get better care. Light a candle for us, if you’re so inclined. Thank you.


China Glaze Cleopatra + PVA Glue Magic

So… I was browsing around the blogosphere the other day when I stumbled across this patch of awesomeness from Lab Muffin and Pretty Purple Polish: PVA Glue as an alternative to Essence’s peel-off base coat. :O

What the what??? Where the hell have I been??? Do you know how many glitters I have shoved in a Helmer drawer all lonely and unloved and junk–just because I’m too lazy to wrap my fingers in aluminum foil and acetone until they freeze to death? Too many. And it’s a shame.

Not anymore kids! All of these glitters can shine now–and not interfere with my lazydom!

So I went to the local craft store, and I picked up a bottle of Elmer’s Glue. Yes. The same lovable white glue from our childhoods. The same glue that, when the teachers weren’t looking, you put on your skin and let it dry just to peel it off. I know I’m not the only one. But I digress.

I had a few franken bottles laying around, so I grabbed one and filled it with said glue. I didn’t need to thin it with water, I just let it go as is.

I painted a decent coat over my nails:

And I let it dry for about 10 minutes, give or take. You can tell it’s dry when it turns matte:

So then, I grabbed a glitter that I have had in my stash for years, but never bothered to swatch. Because it’s a pain to remove, yo.

China Glaze Cleopatra

Pretty? Yes. Hard to remove? Not anymore! P.S. this is four coats.

Here is where the magic truly begins.


I took a rubber-ended cuticle pusher and gently lifted the polish and glue off in one piece. ONE PIECE.

It’s nekkers nails!

The few remnants were easily disposed of with a quick swipe of polish remover.

And that, to me, is a beautiful thing.

Do I recommend this for everyone? Probably not. Especially if your nails are peeling or what have you. For me, it’s like my Keurig–I cannot imagine how I lived my life without it. Also, any time I use PVA glue for a base, I will make sure to moisturize my nails afterwards to ensure that they’re not drying out.

Right now, I’m trying out a wear test with another glitter that has gone too long being neglected. Stay tuned. 🙂