Pink Wednesdays: Zoya Cassi

Welcome to Pink Wednesdays!

I’m back in action and ready to roll so let’s get on to the polish, shall we?

Zoya describes Cassi as a “peachy-pink with coral tones and sparkling white gold shimmer.”

I like it. This is three coats with a coat of Seche Vite.

NOTD: L’Oreal Mango-Get-Em

Today I want to show you a polish I bought when CVS was having a killer sale last year. It’s also the only L’Oreal polish I own.  😉

Mango-Get-Em, aside from the ding-dong name, is a coral creme that applied pretty streaky. Things evened out by the 3rd coat (which is what you see here plus Seche Vite).

Probably not going to be buying this brand again… I wasn’t impressed.

Pink Wednesdays: OPI Shootout at the O.K. Coral

Coral schmoral–this polish is pink to me.

And to add awesome to even more awesome, there’s a hot pink (maybe purple?) hidden shimmer.

This used to be my go-to pedicure color for years. I purposefully sought it out whenever I went into my favorite nail salon. I finally decided to pick it up for myself while dusty diving in ATL with my SFAM.

Polishes like this really make me want Konad and Konad accessories (sorry, watching King of the Hill on Adult Swim) so I can stamp the snot out of them. Sad face that I don’t have any.

To check out the other fine ladies’ pink manicures for Pink Wednesday, click the picture in the sidebar!